International Preparatory Classes
What are International Preparatory Classes?
In the International Preparatory Classes (IVK), students who have already graduated from school in their home countries are taught. The main focus is therefore on the intensive acquisition of German language skills. The goal of this educational program is to achieve a level of proficiency within less than a year that allows students to enter the pre-study or even study phase of secondary level II.
To reach this challenging goal and to be well-prepared for further schooling, in addition to comprehensive German lessons, instruction is also provided in the subjects of English, Mathematics, Physical Education, and a natural science subject.
The International Preparatory Classes are organized and taught in close collaboration with the district school at the harbor.
More information about our IVK classes can be found in the video (only in German), accessible by clicking on the image.

Contact Person At School
Berufliche Schule St. Pauli
Berufliche Schule für Banken, Versicherungen und Recht
mit Beruflichem Gymnasium – Fachrichtung Wirtschaft
Budapester Str. 58
20359 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 428973 – 0
Fax.: 040 428973 – 226